OPERAM in press and TV
OPERAM trial started recruiting participants on December 15 2016.
OPERAM in press
Problematische Pillen - Bei Demenz steigt das Risiko für Neben- und Wechselwirkungen
alzheimerpunktch - (Author: Felicitas Witte, June 2016)
How less medicine could mean better health
SWI Swiss (Author: Celia Luterbacher, Nov 25 2015)
La difficile lutte contre la surmédicalisation
Le Temps 10.10.2015
Stop à la surmédicalisation
'24heures', 07.10.2015
Séniors: quand les médicaments font plus de mal que de bien
OPERAM consortium at the kick-off meeting in Morges (CH) from 15-16 June 2015